Jesus and the Bible
Option 1: Hasn’t the Bible been mistranslated over time? Can we really trust that what we have now is what they wrote then? In this session, we will deal with the claim that the Bible has been corrupted over the centuries and will show you why we have good reason to believe that the New Testament documents have been reliably preserved over time.
Option 2: Is the Bible a collection of Myths? How do we really know the Bible is historically accurate? In this session, Josh Josh will help you make the case for why we can trust the New Testament.
Social justice is a massive subject in our world today. Everyone has an opinion about which strategy to adopt, but the question many aren’t asking is: which worldview should we adopt? In this session, Josh will explain how the Bible’s vision of humanity is the essential foundation for affirming any notions of justice in our modern day.
Is there good historical evidence for the claim that God raised Jesus from the dead? Weren’t the stories of Jesus copied from pagan myths? Did the disciples hallucinate? Is the resurrection—and therefore, Christianity—a mass conspiracy? In this session, Josh will examine some of common objections to the resurrection and give you the tools you need to make the case for the resurrection of Jesus.
All presentations can be delivered to your youth group, at your leadership retreat, or as an extended workshop to your church. Depending on the desired topic and length of time available, some of these sessions can be combined into a single session.
Josh is also available to provide consultations on these topics via video-call. Please indicate your preference on the contact form.