Worldview & Culture

  • What is the Christian worldview? How does Christianity answer the most important questions of life? In this talk, Josh will unpack what historic Christianity teaches and show how it provides satisfying answers to the big questions of identity, purpose, etc.

  • Is there good evidence for God’s existence? If there is, then what kind of God are we talking about it? In this talk, Josh walks through the evidence for God’s existence and explains how this evidence provides a strong outline for the monotheistic God of Christianity.

  • Can science explain everything? Has science answered the big questions of life’s meaning, identity, and purpose? In this session, Josh will explain how science is an amazing tool, but it is not sufficient to base one’s entire worldview on.

All presentations can be delivered to your youth group, at your leadership retreat, or as an extended workshop to your church. Depending on the desired topic and length of time available, some of these sessions can be combined into a single session.

Josh is also available to provide consultations on these topics via video-call. Please indicate your preference on the contact form.